Gaming Innovation Group Inc. (“GIG” or the “Company”) is a US public limited company incorporated in the State of Delaware, with its registered office in Bokeelia, Florida, USA and operations in Malta. As a Delaware company, GIG is subject to Delaware company legislation and regulations. In addition, certain aspects of Norwegian Securities law apply to the Company due to the listing on the Oslo Stock Exchange. The Company’s Board of Directors and management adheres to the Norwegian Code of Practice for Corporate Governance. The Company aims for compliance in all essential areas of the recommendation not fully met. Adherence with the Code of Practice will be based on a “comply-or-explain” principle. If the Code of Practice is not complied with, an explanation shall be given as to why the company has chosen to deviate. The Code of Practice includes 15 main points and the Company’s operations are in all material respects in accordance with these. Below is a brief item-by-item account of the Company’s adherence to the Code of Practice.